
Monday, October 22, 2012

Croatian situation with the blog

I contacted a Croatian lawyer just a couple of days after I got here. He first mentioned me some option going through London which I would have to pay 40,000 euro (!!!)  for and which I didn't really understand but seemed really shady. How would they do that? Of course, I can't come up with that kind of cash, at least not yet.

Next thing he said we could do is report the guy to the police, thus making a report which the prosector  might present to the court which might send Google a notice. But my lawyer said it's not a sure thing as these crimes, while being in Penal code, are prosecuted privately by an individual's lawyer so they might not do anything.

About a week later my lawyer called me and told me that an officer from a police station where he handed the report wants to talk to me. The guy explained that there's nothing they can do but send this to a prosecutor who might convince the court to write to Google but that it is not very likely as these crimes are prosecuted by private individuals and I don't even know the guy's name, just that he's from the US.

Here's to hoping they will finally do something after all !

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